
Cyber Monday Contest

I had such a great turn out for the Cyber Monday contest that I have decided to award 3 prizes to 3 different winners! Congrats to all the winner- all prizes must be claimed within 24 hours. To claim your prize email me at sellers.photo@gmail.com. New winners will be selected for all unclaimed prizes.

Our grand prize is a FREE mini session or $100 off the session of your choice. Our grand prize winner is Heidi Gardner!

Our second prize is $80 off any session of your choice. Our second prize winner is Laura Vanorden!

Our third prize is $70 off any session of your choice. Our third prize winner is Cheltzey Newman!

Congrats to all three winners- I look forward to working with you!

I promised a sweet deal to everyone that entered. All those that entered will receive $60 off any session! This offer is only valid if you book in the month of November or December (the session can be booked for anytime between now and February). To book your session email me at sellers.photo@gmail.com. Mention the contest promotion to receive the discount. I will check to see if you entered the cyber monday contest or not. Thanks again for entering! Watch for another contest in the spring of 2012.

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